Lessons From My Journey

Wow! This beautiful and wonderful journey with AMAL is about to end in one way but in another, it’s the beginning of the amazing journey of life. Those hours spent with the AMAL family were the best of times and I hope weeks, months, or years from now, we will still be in each others lives.

In this 3 months journey with AMAL I learned some of the greatest lessons of life, celebrated some of the greatest moments of life, and made absolutely amazing friends that I would always love to be in touch with. From all those greatest learning, I have chosen three of the most important lessons which has had significant impact on my life.

Embrace Change

Embracing change in life is vital for an individual to grow and become a better person. Change to me was never easy. I would always resist it and would try to withdraw back. But during the internship I learned that hardships and challenges (like ‘change’ was a challenge to me) always makes us better and help us grow.

Talk less, Listen more

“God gave us mouth that close and ears that don’t, that must tell us something”.
When you speak less, you do more and people pay attention to what you say. When you listen more, you get the chance to know others better. You get to know the little, small local stories of others and this in turn develops a sense of trust and confidence on individual and team level.

Learn, learn, and always learn

“The capacity to learn is a gift; the ability to learn is a skill; and the willingness to learn is a choice.”
Brian Herbert
Leaning about matters outside the day-to-day experiences creates creativity in one’s mind. Learning is a lifelong journey and each step of this journey directs our life towards betterment and progress.

I will always stick to those lessons and I hope it will help everyone of us in reshaping and improving our lives and will give us a push to achieve greatest goals of Our lives.

AMAL is Stanford University-funded venture that helps Pakistani youth develop the professional skills needed to achieve their career dreams.

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